Monday, June 3, 2013

Which of the following annoys you the most?

Recently, I have encountered so many incidents that happened on public buses. They annoyed me so much so that I have to write it out to release my frustration.
  • Refusing to move to the rear of the bus when it is packed.
  • Refusing to give up priority seats to people with special needs.
  • Resting the feet on the opposite seat.
  • Cutting nails.
  • Talking loudly on the cell phone.
  • Playing loud music.
  • Love birds smooching and hugging.
  • Standing guard at the doors.
  • Occupying another seat with their belongings.
  • Making unpleasant sounds.
I cannot comprehend why the passengers in Singapore are so oblivious to their surroundings. The above-mentioned actions should not even be present in this modern society at all. Unfortunately, most of them find it a challenge to follow these fundamentals. It is undesirable to live among the "uncivilized". It is also difficult to voice your opinions, since you will therefore become a "Kaypo". (Sigh...)

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