The floor was wet, raindrops were falling down but it did not stop anyone's footstep. Likewise, I was eager to meet my older son for lunch. He has just finished his final examination yesterday, so I have decided to treat him to MacDonald!!
I was early. While I was standing outside MacDonald looking through the glass door, I read the menu on the sign boards. Then I realized it has been a long time since I have taken my children to any fast food restaurants and neither have my children patronizing them on their own because I do not give them enough pocket money to buy such expensive meal. It was not because we are too health conscious about the kind of food we eat, it was about value for money. I just simply find it too pricey for "junk food", not worth it at all.
My son arrived on time and I could tell he was excited because he told me that it was a treat for him that hardly came by. He was right about that! Reading up till this point, do you not feel this is so unreal? Eating at MacDonald is a treat? You must think my boy is such a poor fellow!
How could that be? Children and junk food is almost like the go-together-thingy. You go to fast food restaurants, you see children. You ask them what to eat? Even the two years-old toddler could name you a few dishes on the menu!
Well, if I have to spend more than $10 for a meal, I would choose to have a nutritious meal. The best way to ensure the food is nutritious at a minimum expenditure is the home cooked food. Unfortunately, most households in Singapore prefer not to cook at home. Either they find it too troublesome or the adults just refuse to learn cooking. Hence, you will find restaurants, food courts or food stalls around every corner you turn. It has become a normal routine to eat out. In fact, only some will choose to cook for the family reunion on Chinese New Year Eve and that would be their treat for their family. What an irony!